Command center to support security at IKN’s I-Day events

The Nusantara Capital City Authority (OIKN) has said that the Nusantara Command Center will help support the security supervision and smooth implementation of events marking the 79th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia at IKN.

“The Nusantara Command Center plays a role in the coordination and collaboration between agencies involved in monitoring and (security) operation on August 17 (2024),” OIKN’s director of data and artificial intelligence, Adhiguna Mahendra, said at the Nusantara Command Center here on Monday.

Mahendra informed that just like command centers in other cities, the Nusantara Command Center will conduct security monitoring through CCTVs.

The supervision will be carried out in places where there are VVIP guests and in public spaces.

Public spaces will be monitored because many people will gather in those spaces when celebrating Independence Day on August 17.

Furthermore, Mahendra said that OIKN will monitor the traffic situation during the celebrations, considering the high public movement on that day.

“We have installed CCTVs at road crossings and intersections to monitor the movement of vehicles,” he informed.

CCTVs have been installed at several points that have the potential for traffic congestion so that the authorities can take action in case of traffic jams.

“We are collaborating with the Ministry of Transportation in managing traffic,” Mahendra said.

In addition to the Transportation Ministry, OIKN will also coordinate with the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) to look out for extreme weather threats. The coordination will also involve the military/police in defense and security fields and the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN).

“We coordinate and collaborate with various agencies; we have started to implement data integration and coordination,” Mahendra said.

He added that ahead of August 17, his side has conducted rehearsals to ensure the smooth implementation of monitoring and coordination with other agencies.

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